
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

10 Unique Foods My Toddler Eats!

By: Christine Cox (aka - The Choosy Mommy)

Many toddlers are what parents call picky eaters but I like to refer to my daughter as a choosy eater. Ever since I introduced her to Choosy, she now tells me to be choosy about what I eat. Some days it backfires (I really wanted that cookie the other day) and other days it is a nice reminder. But let’s be real…whether she is picky or choosy, she is still deciding what her and I eat…mostly her.

There are many times where I put food on her plate and she won’t touch it. But there are more times that she sees something that her dad is eating and she wants to try it. I will tell you that she has my husband’s pallet in that she prefers salty, spicy and sour over sweet. I love my sweets! So at least she knows who will lead her to the foods that she will love….DADDY!

Which leads me to my discussion about ten unique foods that my toddler eats. Maybe your child has unique tastes too? This is no way means your toddler HASN’T tried these foods, but these are just some things that my husband and I are really surprised that she likes. I’ve noticed that when I say I like something, she does become more open to trying, so maybe give this new Choosy Kids song, Yum Yum Yummy, a listen and sing it when trying something new!
  1. Green Olives – This one isn’t so weird in that I do know some kids that like olives but she will just eat them as a snack. I HATE olives, no matter the color, but her dad also loves them.
  2. Banana Peppers – Another snack food that her and her dad share a love for. The smell…uhg, it gets me every time but she loves them!
  3. Wasabi Peas – Now this one really threw me for a loop. Daddy was eating them one evening and she decided to give one a try. At first I was a bit nervous because I figured, whoa, too spicy, but she ended up eating a handful (not at one time!)
  4. Oil and Vinegar dressing on Sweet Butter lettuce – Otherwise known as ensalada verde in our family. This is a gem as it is a pretty low calorie dressing. It is a so simple in that you just sprinkle some extra virgin olive oil and white wine vinegar over your lettuce. A little salt to taste.
  5. Pickled Cauliflower – This was a shocker to myself when my toddler came home from Grandma’s with this new favorite!
  6. Frozen Waffles – This one might not be so different, but at least we aren’t drenching the waffle in butter and syrup. Just a plain, frozen waffle!
  7. Soy Sauce – She loves rice and won-ton soup, but give her a dish of soy sauce and she’ll dip anything in it to try!
  8. Pepperoni – Again, maybe not so different but many toddlers find this to be too spicy.
  9. Green Onions – She will dip her green onions in salt and eat 3 or 4 of them!!
  10. Tuna – I just mix a can of tuna with mayo and onion and make a sandwich out of it. She’s loved this for as long as I can remember.

Let me know if your child has tried or even likes any of these foods. Please post if you have a food you think my toddler would love. We are always willing to try new things (well, daddy will have to try it first I suppose).

About the Author: Christine Cox is the blog master and Choosy Mommy for Choosy Kids. She has always had a passion for writing and is honored to contribute her work to this blog. Most of her writing inspiration comes from her daughter, Capri, who is fun-loving and full of energy. Click here to learn more about Christine.


  1. My toddler likes to eat hot sauce. Any time we have it out at dinner he asks for some on his plate. Kids are bizarre!

    1. Oh he he! Hot sauce!!! I hope, for your sake, he is potty training. I can't imagine what hot sauce produces hehe!

  2. Any and ALL bell peppers! YUM. Right from the farm... washed first of course. Love this list-toddlers are so funny with what they love.

    1. My nephew will eat tomatoes like that! Basically like an apple. Yuck on my end but great for him! I do love me some bell peppers though. Crunchy and cold...key word...cold.

  3. So interesting what the little ones are into. Mine love black olives!

    1. I think olives might be a common toddler snack but the smell just gets me everytime!! Ew ew ew!

  4. My daughter loves green olives too! I can't believe yours loves wasabi peas! That's hilarious! Maybe I'll try those when she's a little older haha

    1. I was freaking out when she tried them because I don't even have the guts to give them a go. I watched her closely with my hands ready to catch the projectile pea flying out of her mouth but nothing but a smile and "more, please!"

  5. Such a great palate! Future foodie. I'm not so sure about frozen waffles though.

    1. Frozen waffles was all daddy! I think they taste mushy when you eat them frozen but whatever. Quick snack!!

  6. What a great eater! Spicy food and all... My daughter goes through phases of pickiness but she always loves baked beans. She doesn't get that from me. She would eat a whole can if I would let her!!

    1. I thought my toddler would LOVE baked beans and she doesn't. Maybe they are too sweet for her but I thought that would be a great protein source but nope. :(

  7. My oldest toddler would probably be on board with a lot of these-not the green onions though! My youngest, well, I'd be thrilled if he tried any of them, but not likely...he just wants to eat meat.

    1. Hehe isn't it awesome how everyone is different? My toddler isn't really into meat. She'll eat chicken but red meat is a different story. So you have a meat and potatoes guy and a veggie dude. Sounds just like my hubby and his brother (and you can tell who likes what!! Hehe!)

  8. Pepperoni is high on the list here but so is a spinach and chorizo sandwich! I think what is most different both my sons like is their preference to raw vegetables. Feeling like a snack as they will prefer a few bits of brocoli, which to me really isn't as nice raw!

    1. Oh I will most def have to try the spinach and chorizo sandwich! Sounds delish!!! And I agree about the broccoli but go you for introducing that love to them!!

  9. What a great eater you have! My little guys likes spicy too, which always blows me away. His oddest food choice is lemons, I think. He LOVES sucking on them. Kids! Thank you for linking up at #MeetUpMonday with and me (although I missed hosting this week)!

    1. Lemons!!!! Oh so sour :) thanks for stopping by!

  10. It's great that your toddler will eat all of these things. My youngest will eat bell peppers and tomatoes, which my oldest would never touch, not even now that he's older.

    1. Isn't it funny how all kids eat different?! Thanks for your comment!

  11. I can't believe she eats Wasabi Peas!! That is unique indeed, my hubby won't even eat them!

    1. Yea I was a nervous wreck watching her eat those!

  12. That's amazing! I can barely get my teenage son to eat vegetables at all... let alone something like banana peppers or wasabi peas lol

    1. There are days when she wont eat but typically I can bribe her with something crazy :)

  13. I am so jealous that your child eats all of this! My daughter used to be a good eater, but she's now five and VERY picky. I would LOVE for her to eat lettuce, cauliflower, tuna, etc. Good job, mama!

    1. Haha it was mostly my hubby because he loves all of those things but I def encourage her to try it all!

  14. I think these are awesome. My daughter loved black olives from an early age. Pepperoni are a great snack for her as well ha ha

    1. What is funny is just this past week she has decided pepperoni is spicy! So maybe those taste buds are developing.

  15. These are such interesting choices. I have tried olives and peppers and my daughter LOVES those. She also loves Lemons, she could sit and suck on a lemon for a long time, so weird. #ibabloggers

    1. Oh lemons!! Sour! I should try to give my toddler a lemon and see what happens. Does your child just suck the juice or actually eat the lemon?

  16. Mine mixes his drink with everything. But he does like broccoli :)

  17. All I can say is that when my daughter was little all she wanted to eat was chicken nuggets!! Trying to get her to eat veggies was like pulling teeth...a very picky eater she was and still is today. Thanks for sharing!! :)

    1. Oh don't worry! We have chicken nugget and mac'n'cheese days too!


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