
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Powers of a Purple Cape: The Choosy Story

By: Christine Cox, The Choosy Mommy

Super heroes come in all shapes, sizes, colors, genders, so on and so forth. They have different sources of power and types of weapons. And for many of our heroes, a cape is part of their costume, and they too come in a wide array of colors and designs.

Did you ever think about the powers of a super hero’s cape? Some capes help heroes fly and others shield them from villains. But the cape that I specifically want to tell you about is worn by a super hero who is green and has antennae and fur! You may have never heard of this super hero before, but believe me when I say that this super hero’s powers help us all, especially when it comes to health, brushing your teeth and eating fruits and veggies!

Choosy is our super hero’s name and Choosy means Choose Healthy Options Often and Start Young. It is really up to you to decide if Choosy is a boy or a girl, or really what “life form” Choosy is. When interviewing children, we have learned that sometimes Choosy is referred to as a bug or an alien. Some children think Choosy is probably a boy because of the red backwards hat upon its head and others (usually little girls) think Choosy is a girl because of the purple hair. Regardless, what we do know is that Choosy harnesses a special power – the purple cape.

Choosy’s cape symbolizes empowerment. The power of making healthy choices even though unhealthy options are available everywhere. When children make healthy decisions about physical activity, nutrition, and dental habits, they are overcoming massive media marketing and sometimes even family preferences. Choosy is a messenger and a motivator and the cape empowers young children to be champions of choice ---- the healthy choice.

Choosy is a health hero. Do you know of other health heroes? Not since Popeye has there been a health-hero for children. Research has demonstrated that children’s characters are profoundly influential – like the super heroes you were thinking of earlier! Choosy can help promote healthy habits in your family, agency, classroom, clinic or community, which is really a super power! Choosy’s uniqueness includes health messages and reminders embedded in lively music. When used consistently, health messages paired with the image of Choosy can become familiar and favored.
Choosy is my toddler’s super hero. She always points out what Choosy would say if we made an unhealthy choice or is positive in stating that Choosy would be happy that we are brushing our teeth. Day care, pre-school and even kindergarten teachers love to use Choosy in their classroom, and physicians and dentists love to show off how strong Choosy’s muscles and teeth are in the office.

Super heroes are around us everywhere. What we need to remember is that it doesn’t matter what they look like but rather what their super powers harness.

Check out more about Choosy on our Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and view videos of Choosy dancing on our YouTube page!

About the Author: Christine Cox is the blog master and The Choosy Mommy for Choosy Kids. She has always had a passion for writing and is honored to contribute her work to this blog. Most of her writing inspiration comes from her daughter, Capri, who is fun-loving and full of energy, and newborn son Cam. Click here to learn more about Christine.


  1. Oh I love him! He is so cute and friendly! I love that being super means making healthy choices.

    1. And I always tell my daughter that she has to make the right eating choices to be super like Choosy ;) works every time!

  2. I love what the name CHOOSY stands for!

    1. Isn't it fun to know that there's more meaning behind the name?!

  3. This is a great way to get kids to eat healthy!

    1. It is and it works!! Many day cares, pre schools and parents use Choosy to encourage healthy eating, lots of activities and dental hygiene.

  4. Choosy is so cute, it is no wonder kids love him :)

  5. Right now I am not being a choosy hero. Better luck tomorrow to me.

    1. We all have those days! Hang in there and like you said, there's always tomorrow!

  6. I love the acronym! I had always wondered why it was Choosy Kids. :-) Teaching our kids to make healthy options young is one of the best things that we can do and I hope that I am doing that every day.

  7. Hi Christine :)
    Great post on how important it is for our kids to make the healthier option and teaching them right while they are young :) I wish I knew about this when my kids were little....thanks for sharing!

  8. I need to show this to my daughter for my 3 yr. old grandson. It's so important they start making healthy choices now so they can take that with them as they grow.

    Thanks for sharing!


  9. Loved this! Great to learn more about Choosy and what his/her name stands for. My son would probably think he's a boy ;)


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